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Saturday 6 June 2015

Final Exam!!!!!

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Alhamdulillah, sekali lagi saya diberi peluang untuk terus menulis di dalam blog yang sederhana ini....hmmm.. kenapa dalam Bahasa Melayu? Sebab kelas LEAP dah habis.. jadi, dah tiada lagi kerja untuk update blog ni...

Kalau dilihat dari tajuk entry ni "Final Exam!!!!".. hahaha.. macam menakutkan.. yerr.. memang menakutkan.. diam tak diam, sem 2 bagi tahun 1 bakal berakhir.. tak sangka masa tersangat pantas berlalu.. dulu rasa macam "bila lah nak jadi senior.. dan sekarang lagi 3 minggu habis sem 2 dan lagi 3 bulan nak jadi pelajar tahun 2.. Subhanallah..

Baiklah, sejujurnya.. bila tiba waktu periksa mesti semua orang rasa nervous, takut, gugup, berdebar-debar dan seangkatan waktu dengannya.. tapi.. itulah kehidupan.. dalam realiti kehidupan sendiri kita tak pernah lari daripada ujian. Ujian itu adalah salah satu rahmat Allah dlam menguji keimanan hambanya.. orang yang diuji itu adalah antara orang yang disayangi Allah..

Pada 10 haribulan Jun, maka bermulalah kertas pertama bagi peperiksaan akhir ini.. sejujurnya.. rasa macam nak nyorok bawah katil.. tersangat la debar nak ambil periksa kali ini.. tambahan pula, semakin tinggi aras pembelajaran, semakin susah subjeknya.. harapnya, dengan usaha yang dah dilakukan.. akan adalah sinar kejayaannya.. In Shaa Allah..

Dulu ada satu kem masa disekolah rendah.. penceramah tu guna istilah"D.U.I.T" yang sampai hari ini saya pegang.. bukannya duit kertas yang ada angka, warna hijau, oren dan sebagainya tu.. D.U.I.T di sini ialah:

D= Doa
Sebagai seorang Islam, kita tidak boleh berhenti berharap.. sesungguhnya Allah tu Maha Pendengar setiap doa hamba-hambanya.. dengan bersujud dan berdoa tanpa putus asa dan yakin dengan Allah.. In Shaa Allah akan ada sinar kejayaan.. jangan pernah lupa untuk solat fardhu.. sesuatu yang wajib bagi seorang muslim.. solat adalah tempat kita mengabdikan diri, menjadikan kita selemah-lemah makhluk yang sedang berhadapan dengan Maha Pencipta.. lagi indah kalau dapat disertai dengan solat-solat sunat sebagai pengukuh hubungan dan cinta kita kepada Allah.

U= usaha
Usaha disini ialah belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh.. kalau berdoa 24 jam tetapi tiada usaha.. macam mana Allah nak bagi kita kejayaan.. usaha secara berterusan dan niat belajar adalah kerana Allah.. ya benar! kita belajar sebab nak exam.. tapi tempatkan dihati segala yang dilakukan asalah kerana Allah.. In Shaa Allah pahala untuk kita.. jangan study last minit! bahaya! belajar dari awal secara berterusan, sentiasa ulangkaji nota dan buat latihan.. ingat!"Hardworking Never Betray".

I= Istiqamah
Istiqamah disini ialah buat secara berterusan.. bukannya sekejap buat sekejap tak.. senang cerita asyik nak ikut mood je.. mood baik baru nak study kalau tak buku jadi bahan pameran je atas meja belajar.. dalam lakukan sesuatu, istiqamah sangat penting.. yakinlah.. sesuatu yang dilakukan secara istiqamah umpama kita berusaha yang terbaik untuk dapatkan.. In Shaa Allah, apabila kita istiqamah, akan ada sesuatu yang terbaik untuk kita.

T= Tawakal
Apabila kita dah selalu berdoa, berusaha dan melakukan semuanya berterusan, berserahlah kepada Allah sepenuhnya.. yakin dengan Allah bahawa setiap apa yang dikurniakannya pada akhir nanti adalah yang terbaik untk kita.. Allah tidak pernah menganiaya hambanya malahan Allah Maha Mengetahu apa yang terbaik untk masa depan kita.. yang penting usaha dan doa.. moga Allah memberikan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk kita..

Baiklah... malam sudah larut.. saya nak ucapkan Selamat Maju Jaya kepada rakan-rakan Tahun 1Geoinformatik yang bakal menduduki peperiksaan pada hari Rabu ini.. Subjek Survey and Mapping 2.. subjek core tu... tiada apa la.. kita dah belajar dengan pensyarah-pensyarah yang bagus, dah dapat banyak ilmu.. dalam minggu ulangkaji ni,, belajar lah dengan sebaik mungkin.. Goodluck Semua!! :)

10 Jun - Survey and Mapping 2
13 Jun- Academic English Skills
14 Jun- Creative and Critical Thinking
16 Jun- Principle of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
21 Jun- Computer Programming 1
23 Jun- Mathematics for Geoinformatics

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Sunday 26 April 2015

The Memory

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Suddenly, I remembered all the memories from upper form in secondary school until my foundation. Seriously, sometimes I feel like cannot move on but the reality is I am now a student for a degree. If I can make the time back to past, I will.

For me, secondary school is the most difficult memories to be deleted. Even though, we need to face tired of each day, struggle for our SPM but honestly, all of that are unforgettable memories. I really miss Kluang High School..

4 ST 1 with our class teacher, Puan Mazrina Ruwaidiyah
5 ST 1 with all subject teachers

5 ST 1 with our English Teacher, Cik Haslinda Abd Mutalib

After finished SPM, I continued my study in UiTM Puncak Alam for Foundation of Science. I am glad to know all my foundation's friends. Even we are classmates for not even a year. But, we are like a family. Miss you guys!

Dinner in SACC with E4 Classmates, Cik Fariza and Cik Hairunnisa
E4 !!!

And now, I am doing my degree in Bachelor Science of Geoinformatics. Still freshy because I am first year student. Glad to meet all my new friends. Hopefully, our friendship can stand till Jannah and we can be like a family for these 4 years.
While waiting for survey fieldwork with Prof Madya Dr Baharin Ahmad

1 SGHG with the best lecturec, PM Safie

Hopefully, even we are separated and far from each other, please do remember all our memories and our beautiful friendship. May Allah bless us.. In Shaa Allah :)

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What is on your mind?

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I am really happen after about a year not publish any entries in this blog, now, since I joined LEAP class, my lecturer asked my classmates and I to create a blog and publish at least three entries throughout this blog in ENGLISH.

"What is on your mind?" is the tittle of our task. Anytime when we think something and we want to share it to public, we can just write our entries and publish it. I think, this is a very interesting task that I had ever received. Thanks sir! :)

Hopefully, if there is anyone read this blog and find too much grammar mistakes and low level vocabulary, please do apologize me. If you want to correct my English, please do comment. I am a student that still learn and learn. 

For me, this is one of the best task given by my lecturer to improve my English. Even I am not a very good English blog writer, but, I still try to do my best. Please do support me. I will try to share a lot of useful knowledge. Thanks for your support.

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The Beauty of Al-Syarh

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Alhamdulillah, we were given a chance by Allah s.w.t to continue our precious life.. and for me to stay writing in this blog and share knowledge with all the readers..

I would like to share a very nice surah in al-Quran which give me a spirit to stay strong when I am facing difficulties. 

Surah Al-Syarh is the 94th surah in al-Quran which consist of eight sentences.

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  1. Have We not expanded for you, your chest.
  2. And taken off from you, your burden.
  3. Which pressed heavily upon your back.
  4. And exalted for you, your esteem?.
  5. Surely with difficulty is ease.
  6. With difficulty is surely ease.
  7. So when you are free, nominate.
  8. And make you Lord your exclusive object.

If we look at the last four sentences, Allah promised that for every difficulties that happened to us surely there is way to solve it. Allah never give difficulties to his slave that exceed the boundary of their abilities. So, as a human that will meet Allah anytime, anywhere soon. We should give all of our heart to our creator and always pray to get his bless and never forget Allah. 

For me, this surah always remind me to look for Allah and remember there is Allah, the place for us to share our problems, ask for the ways of all our difficulties and believe to Allah for every hard things we get is the symbol of his love to test the level of our faith.

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Wednesday 15 April 2015

"SPORTY-THEMED" idioms and their ORIGINS

Do a Devon Loch

  • If someone does a Devon Loch, he/she fails when he/she is very close to winning. Devon Loch was a horse that collapsed just short of the winning line of the Grand National race.

Ball is in your court

  • If the ball is in your court, it is up to you to make the next decision or step.

Below the belt

  • If someone says something that is cruel or unfair, it is below the belt, like the illegal punches in boxing.

Football's a game of two halves

  • If something's a game of two halves, it means that it's possible for someone's fortunes or luck to change and the person who is winning could end up a loser.

Fighting chance
  • If you have a fighting chance, you have a reasonable possibility of success.

Get the ball rolling
  • If you get the ball rolling, you start something so that it can start making progress.

Hook, line and sinker
  • If somebody accepts or believes something hook, line and sinker, they accept it completely.

Punching bag
  • A punching bag (or punch bag) is a person who gets a lot of unfair criticism.

Jump the gun
  • If you jump the gun, you start doing something before the appropriate time.

Level playing field
  • If there is a level playing field everybody is treated equally.

Par for the course
  • If something is par for the course, it is what you expected it would be. If it is above par, it is better, and if it is below par, it is worse.


If you open my heart, guess what you are going to see? It is true. True friends are hard to find so I kept you

What is a friend? She looks out for you, inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you, understands you, guides you and walks with you. That is what a friend is.....YOU!


How long shall we be friends? Do you want a clue? As long as stars twinkle in the sky, till the water runs dry and till the day I die. We will be friends.


I might run out of graphics to send you, but I will never run out of this... care for You...


A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when you are lonely, a guide when you are searching, a smile when you are sad, a song when you are glad.


When you are down, I will be there to cheer you up. When you are tired, I will be there to lift you up. I will be your friend no matter what!


Friends are like mango. You will never know which is sweet and which is not. Well, I am lucky because I was able to find the sweetest mango. That is YOU!


Time and distance are important between friends. When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure you are always in my heart!

  • I WON'T

50 years from now, I'd be so old and I might forget you, I might not remember ever knowing you or might forget I once cared for you. I might but I won't. 


Do you remember the first day we met? Our first hello? The day we became friends? Well, I do and I will always remember. For that very day, I knew I had cherish you.

  • COIN

A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin but it is okay because I got you.


A friend is sweet when it is new and it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweeter when it is you.

  • SUN

Life without friendship is like the sky without sun.


Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen


There is a big difference between friendship and a rose. Roses last only for a while but friendship is forever.


Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver while the other gold.


Feel good when somebody MISS You. Feel better when somebody LOVES You. But feel best when somebody never forget You.